The product

The future of prostate cancer treatment

The patented and in-house developed Q-PRO® system represents a new treatment for prostate cancer. The goal is to meet the market’s growing need for individualised and effective treatments for patients with prostate cancer.

Maintained quality of life

Potential to give patients the opportunity to maintain a higher quality of life compared to the conventional treatments of prostate cancer.

Individual treatment

A unique treatment with PDT, which has the potential to tailor the procedure to the specific individual and allow treatment regardless of the tumour’s position in the prostate.

Focal treatment

Potential to provide a highly precise and targeted treatment, offering a minimally invasive solution for prostate cancer.

Q-PRO® enables improved treatment for prostate cancer

Our treatment system Q-PRO® represents a completely new treatment for prostate cancer consisting of:

“The SpectraCure IDOSE® system is an exciting new approach for estimating the extent of necrosis during PDT, based on real time measurements of light distribution and photobleaching in the area under treatment”

Stephen G Bown, MD (Cambridge), AM (Harvard), DSc (Hon Lucknow), FRCP Emeritus Prof of Laser Medicine & Surgery, Division of Surgery & Interventional Science

Treatment with SpectraCure’s Q-PRO®

The treatment system Q-PRO® delivers laser light via optical fibers that are inserted into the prostate after the drug verteporfin has been injected. Verteporfin has been used for many years to treat certain serious eye diseases. The system uses the same optical fibers to both treat the tumour area and monitor the delivered light dose. The proprietary dose planning platform, IDOSE®, adjusts the optimal treatment dose for each patient, with great accuracy, to avoid over- or under-exposure. Because overexposure to light can lead to damage to healthy tissue and underexposure can lead to incomplete treatment and tumour recurrence.