On November 21st SpectraCure arranged a meeting where, among others, Dr. Neil Fleshner participated. Dr. Fleshner is a professor at the division of urology at the University of Toronto and the responsible Uro-oncologist at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto where the first three patients in the company's clinical Phase 1 study were treated.
"I am impressed, first and foremost, at the toxic result, but also on the effectiveness of the treatment, both in terms of imaging and PSA response. On the most recently treated patient, we have received outstanding tissue destruction."
During the meeting, the clinical results that have emerged so far in the Phase 1 study and how work on phase 2 should be set up were discussed. Furthermore, the unique benefits that the SpectraCure technology provides for cancer treatment were discussed and that the method could potentially be offered as a primary treatment option for prostate cancer.
"This system has a real potential to based on the tissue destruction we see on MRI, […] Making it an ideal platform for focal treatment” [of primary prostate cancer].
An interview with Dr. Fleshner will be posted on the SpectraCure website shortly.
For further information, contact:
SpectraCure AB publ, CEO, Masoud Khayyami, phone: +46(0) 70 815 21 90
SpectraCure in short
SpectraCure was founded in 2003 as a spin off from Lund University departments for medical laser applications and physics. The company focuses on cancer treatments using medical systems with laser light sources and reactive drugs, which is referred to as "Interstitial Photodynamic Therapy", PDT, a treatment methodology suitable for internal solid tumours of various kind, e.g. prostate and abdominal salivary glands, but also other indications such as cancer of the head and neck.