Looking for excellent, highly-skilled education and training in the vibrant field of Biophotonics? Apply now!

Apply to The European Training Network PHAST (Photonics for Healthcare: multiscAle cancer diagnosiS and Therapy). Maybe you will be one of 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) which will be enrolled in a strong multidisciplinary PhD programme.

Position #12 is at SpectraCure
Development of advanced online dosimetry algorithms for photodynamic therapy of tumours.

Brief description of the project
The objective of the ESR project is to further develop the dosimetry algorithms that are now used in clinical trials, by retrospective analysis of the treatment outcome and improvement of the models and numerical methods in the algorithms.

The activity will include analysis of medical data, optimization, model development and software implementation, tissue optical measurements, and field work in clinics.
Planned secondments at Lund University (Sweden), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), and Tyndall Institute (Ireland). For further information, https://phast-etn.eu/vacancies/12/esr-12


SpectraCure is a world-leader in research and development of dosimetry algorithms for photodynamic therapy (PDT) of internal cancer tumours. The work is conducted in collaboration with academic groups and hospitals in Europe and North America. www.spectracure.com