The first day of trading in the newly issued shares was 23 January 2017 and the first day of trading of series TO 2 warrants is expected to be Friday, January 27, 2017.
After registration of the issue, the number of shares amounts to 56 591 520 and the number of warrants to 26 604 541.
Terms of condensed warrants:
- The newly issued warrants of series TO 2 are estimated to be traded on Aktietorget on 27 January 2017.
- Two (2) Series 2 warrants (TO2) entitles the holder to subscribe for one (1) share at the price of SEK 1 per share from 31 January 2018 to 28 February 2018. The last day of trading in TO2 is 26 February 2018.
- ISIN code for Share SpectraCure, short name spec: SE0007158118
- ISIN code for TO2 SpectraCure, short name spec TO2: SE0009294853
G&W Fondkommission and Göteborg Corporate Finance have served as financial advisors in connection with the transactions.
For further information, contact:
SpectraCure AB publ, CEO, Masoud Khayyami, phone: +46(0) 70 815 21 90
SpectraCure in short
SpectraCure was founded in 2003 as a spin off from Lund University departments for medical laser applications and physics. The company focuses on cancer treatments using medical systems with laser light sources and reactive drugs, which is referred to as "Interstitial Photodynamic Therapy", PDT, a treatment methodology suitable for internal solid tumours of various kind, e.g. prostate and abdominal salivary glands, but also other indications such as cancer of the head and neck.